SDI Completes Work on San Onofre Steam Generator Replacement
Although the facility is licensed to operate until 2022, the four massive steam generators at Southern California Edison’s San Onofre Nuclear Plant required replacement in order for the facility to continue supplying electricity to its customers. Accordingly, SCE moved ahead with a $680 million project to remove the 65-foot-long, 23-foot wide, 621-ton generators from two containment units and replace them with new generators made of a more crack-resistant metal alloy.
In support of prime contractor Bechtel Power Corporation, Schwager Davis, Inc. provided the post-tensioning system, equipment, management and supervision for the generator replacement project, which included cutting openings in the concrete containment walls, de-tensioning and removing the affected post-tensioned tendons and installed and stressed approximately 164 new tendons to restore the containments to their original structural integrity.